About the Company

Light Ability Consulting provides simplified, unique, and affordable Industrial and Organizational Psychology solutions that enlighten the abilities of people and organizations, instilling hope and unlocking their true potential.

As a professional consultancy, we deliver corporate-quality products and services with straightforward execution and authentic relationships. Based in Pretoria, South Africa, we focus on small to medium organizations, with a niche focus on people with disabilities.

Light Ability Consulting (PTY) Ltd was established in 2020 by Charlize Moolman, a registered Industrial & Organizational Psychologist (PS 0135585) and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Master Coach.


Light Ability Consulting strives to deliver simplified, unique and affordable solutions, helping people with and without disabilities, teams and organizations to enlighten their potential and give them hope at work and in life.


  • Implement simplistic talent management strategies for the organisation
  • Use scientific tools and techniques to make informed talent decisions
  • Equip current and future leaders, teams and individuals with relevant skills
  • Empower people with disabilities and organizations with knowledge and skills






Thought leadership

Our story

After many years in corporate and consulting, we have realized that it’s the small to medium organizations that need us the most. As Industrial and Organizational Psychologists we want to support organizations that are growing exponentially but struggle to keep up with people, processes and systems to remain competitive in an ever-changing talent market. We also focus on people with disabilities as our niche when we empower people with disabilities for career success and enable organizations to create a sense of belonging.

Our team

Charlize Moolman is the Founder and Director of Light Ability Consulting, a registered Industrial and Organizational Psychologist (PS 0135585) with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) and a Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Master Coach.

Light Ability Consulting utilizes our network of Industrial and Organizational Psychologists, Human Resource (HR) Professionals, Recruitment Specialists, Labour- and Business Consultants to deliver value to our clients.
